Saturday Snippet: September 26th
Saturday Snipped is a bi-monthly column run by Catrine, where you post a snipped from something you have written. It can be from your book, poem, or anything else you have written. Post it, link to it in her post, and check out what everyone else has posted!
The snippet this weeks comes from a short drabble I posted to Wattpad a few weeks ago. And since I’m devious I’m not posting the entire thing here, and am instead sending you over there for the last half of the drabble. *insert evil laugh here*
There’s nothing on the radio but static.
The final transmission came five minutes ago, right on time, heard not only by a room full of scientists, but the entire world.
All according to plan.
Want to read the rest, head on over here. You may need to log in to view, which you can do using Facebook with just a click, so shouldn’t be a problem. Sometimes when logged out I can still read it though, so hopefully it won’t be too much of a hassle.
The drabble (100 words!) was written in reply to the Wattpad Sci Fi account’s Radio Transmission challenge. I plan on continuing to take part in their challenges, as a way to keep working on my writing. It’s also a lot of fun!